Arlen, Texas  
 Arlen, Texas 
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 Arlen University 
Arlen University
Student Life
Arlen University
Located in Arlen, Texas, Arlen University offers a public, liberal arts/agriculture education upholding traditional Texan values. For more than a decade, AU has prepared students for life-long learning and service.
Arlen University has everything you could want in a cheap, average public university.
At Arlen University, students can choose from more than 5 majors, minors and pre-professional programs within AU's three schools: Agriculture, Arts and Sciences, and Business Administration. Arlen University offers no innovative programs but has traditional classes with a unique Arlen twist.


Arlen University is located in Arlen, a community of 10,000 in Texas, which is near Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.
The university was founded in January 1989, when a group of local farmers, who had been heavily drinking at a New Year's Day party, decided there children should have a better life than they had. Consequently the citizens of Arlen joined together and formed Arlen University. The first five class consisted of a total of nineteen students. Because of it's low enrollment, Arlen University lowered its admission standards to its present levels.
Arlen University currently enrolls approximately 926 students. More than 99% of our student body is from Texas.
More than 60% of our faculty hold a bachelor's degree or its equivalent. Arlen University has a low student-faculty ratio of 8 to 1.
AU is a leader in ranching innovation. Student Life
More than 6 organizations offer students the opportunity to participate in campus life. These include agriculture clubs, , departmental groups, intercollegiate athletics, and intramural sports teams. In addition to activities planned by the university, leisure-time pursuits are plentiful in the Arlen area - ranging farming and lawn care to camping, fishing and hunting. [more...]
While at AU, you might not be better connected to the information superhighway than students attending much larger schools, you will have state-of-the-art cable access and trailer hook-ups.
Guaranteed Tuition
The guaranteed tuition plan eliminates the uncertainty of rising college expenses. For a fee of $1000, Arlen University will guarantee that your tuition will never increase.
The university's growth and progress will be obvious when you visit the campus. Currently under construction is the Seal Sports Complex, a state-of-the-art facility scheduled for completion for fall 2007. New buildings, such as the Mobile Home Museum of Texas, the Institute for TV and Better Living, and the Shotgun Academic Complex, reflect our commitment to provide the very best place for you to learn and live.
Financial Aid
More than 80 percent of Arlen University students receive financial assistance, including academic and departmental scholarships, state and federal grants, loans, work study programs, welfare, and discount hunting licenses.
While Arlen University does not have its own library, students have access to the Seal Library. The Seal Library serves both Arlen University and the community. It has more than 500 volumes of books, periodicals, government documents and audio visual materials. The library currently subscribes to more than 6 periodicals and has every issue of the Arlen Advisor, Arlen's hometown newspaper. The building contains a few study areas, including a small reference room, three study carrels and a snack bar for food study. There are no copying facilities within the library.
Arlen Univ. Facts

• College of Agriculture has 406 students and 27 faculty.

• College of Arts and Sciences has 751 students and 50 faculty.

• College of Business has 600 students and 40 faculty.

Arlen oil