Arlen University welcomes applications from prospective students. Students will be considered for admission to the university under one of two programs: Unconditional Admission and Special Admission.
Unconditional Admission
Unconditional admission may be offered to students who score 16 or better on the Enhanced ACT or 650 or above on the Re-centered SAT, or graduate in the top 75% of their class, and who meet all other admission requirements. An official or unofficial transcript from a high school must be provided verifying graduation with a minimum of ten standard units. It is recommended that two credits be in English, two in science or mathematics, and one in social science. The remaining credits can be any courses the student feels will enhance his or her education. Graduates of high schools or home study programs that are not accredited by a regional or state accrediting agency will be judged on the same bases as those students who have gone to accredited schools.
Supporting materials which may accompany the applications include:
- Admission fee of $25, nonrefundable
- Room deposit for residence hall students of $100.00
- Student Health Form
- Emergency Information Form or credit card number
- Unofficial test scores from ACT or SAT.
Special Admission
Early Admission
For students who demonstrate an outstanding talent in various agriculture or mechanical
fields, Arlen University offers an "Early Admission" program whereby these
students may begin their college career before high school graduation.
Senior Citizens
Persons over 65 years of age, with proof of age, may register for classes for a reduced tuition of $85 per semester hour. These students will be limited to 1 credit semester hour per semester.
High School Equivalency
Students who have successfully completed or tried really hard to complete the General Educational Development Testing Program (GED) and have submitted acceptable scores on the ACT or SAT may be admitted to Arlen University. The student must also submit official or unofficial GED test scores with his or her application for admission.
Transfer Admission
Unconditional admission may be granted transfers from colleges that are ranked academically and athletically higher than Arlen University. These students will receive full credit for work done in such institutions, with no questions asked.
- The cumulative g.p.a. of the transferred work must meet the following conditions:
- A g.p.a. of 2.00 or above after attempting 59 or fewer semester hours
- A g.p.a. of 1.75 or above after attempting 60 or more semester hours
If the cumulative transfer grade point average does not meet these conditions, the student may still be admitted into Arlen University provided a small sur-charge of $100 is paid. Transfer work taken at another college or university while a student is academically suspended will be accepted by Arlen University.
Vocational courses will always be accepted. Other vocational courses may be accepted toward the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences(BAAS). Credit will be awarded for courses from unaccredited technical schools orcommercial colleges.
Arlen University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or income. | |
Arlen Univ. Facts
Full-time Texas resident fees for spring or fall semester: $1,362
Full-time nonresident fees for spring or fall semester: $3,312
A student living off campus can expect to spend at least $5,875 per academic year for rent, food, clothing, laundry, cleaning, books, transportation, entertainment, and incidentals.
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