- Arlen county - 42,524
- Arlen - 20,424
City percentages
- White - 64%
- Hispanic - 34%
- Other - 2%
- Unemployment rate - 3.7%
- Labor force - 8,375
- Average income - $15,153
- Average wage - $23,186
Highest level of education
- High School - 44%
- 1 - 3 years of College - 23%
- 4+ years of College - 9%
- Median School Years Completed - 13
New housing
- Average cost per square foot - $70 to $80
- Average lot size - 120' X 200'
Pre owned housing
- Average cost per square foot:
- 1-10 years old - $61
- 11-20 years old - $49
- 21+ years old - $38
Average rent per month
- 2 bedroom - $275-413
- 3 bedroom - $413-610
- 4 bedroom - $610 and up
Length of residence
- 0-5 years - 2%
- 6-10 years - 7%
- 11-15 years - 18%
- 16-20 years - 38%
- 21+ - 45%
- Avg. length of residence - 18.8 years